
Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stormy snowy Sunday

I took pictures and video of the blowing snow. I can't even see up the lane. It's a complete whiteout. My camera is acting up so I can't post the pictures right now.

I love this weather because I don't actually have to be anywhere besides right here listening to music and reading. I made Mom's tv snacks recipe this morning, Ricardo's cranberry sauce and I bake the last pumpkin and squash before going out for a walk with Hélène and Claudine. We didn't meet any other walkers in this weather. We didn't walk long either because the snow made walking difficult even in the village streets.

I came home and shoveled the front deck, then the back deck and by the time I had gotten out to the birdfeeder on my snowshoes, the back deck needed to cleared off again.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

14 days left!!!

Ok... so we decided to kick into gear yesterday. We drove to Hawkesbury all of 35 km away. As soon as we began to be surrounded by other holiday shoppers around noon we both got the willies and headed back to our home in the country. Here is the view at 8 am this morning. No deer today or else I looked out the window too late. Last Sunday, as I came into the house from a walk up the lane, I saw a lot of big black blobs from hence I came. Bears? No, not in those numbers and not the right size or shape. I got out the binoculars. About 30 huge wild turkeys. I had only ever seen a couple while cycling in the park at Plaisance. I couldn't get over the sight!!! I' not going back up the lane without bearbells and my lacrosse stick.