Sunday, December 16, 2007

Stormy snowy Sunday

I took pictures and video of the blowing snow. I can't even see up the lane. It's a complete whiteout. My camera is acting up so I can't post the pictures right now.

I love this weather because I don't actually have to be anywhere besides right here listening to music and reading. I made Mom's tv snacks recipe this morning, Ricardo's cranberry sauce and I bake the last pumpkin and squash before going out for a walk with Hélène and Claudine. We didn't meet any other walkers in this weather. We didn't walk long either because the snow made walking difficult even in the village streets.

I came home and shoveled the front deck, then the back deck and by the time I had gotten out to the birdfeeder on my snowshoes, the back deck needed to cleared off again.


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