Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas letter 2012

Dear friends and family,

I wrote this while listening to Dean Martin 
No alcoholic beverages were ingested while re-writing these lyrics. Actual Christmas letter is at the bottom of page.

Well, the weather outside is frightful,
Our electric fire is so delightful
And since we've no place to go
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

Man, it doesn't show signs of stopping
No corn in the cupboard for popping,
But found some Gluewein to give us a glow
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

My homemade TV snacks I'm a-roasting
Tween these lines, there's no room for boasting
Only good wishes upon you we bestow
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

When I finally sit down to write
Seems each year just resembles the last
But if you promise to sit just tight
I'll think of a blast from the past

My inspiration is slowly dying
In this letter, I'll soon be goodbying
I just wanted to say "AllĂ´!"
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Bonjour to you,
I hope that you are well and 2012 has treated you well. If I wait until I sit down and write Christmas cards, address them and get organized enough to walk the 2 blocks to the post office, you'll still be lucky to get a card from me before spring break.
We are both doing fine. Jacques has been retired 12 years. He takes care of the house, the yard, the vehicles, Souris, the cat, and me. He works out at the gym almost every day and walks after lunch and supper. I'm somewhat more sluggish and a lot less disciplined. I turned 50 in October which is neither an excuse nor a lament. It's simply a fact. 

Oddly enough, I actually enjoy seeing people's surprised look when I tell them I turned 50. They probably already knew and are putting on act of astonishment, but I love their Oscar worthy performances. 
I spent the last few months of being 49 trying to come up with impressive ideas on how to celebrate 50 and consequently missed out on the last bit of my 4th decade. No matter, on the big DAY, I went alone to the hotel pool
 and swam 50 laps to celebrate. I am truly blessed to be able to swim in such a beautiful setting. I also read over 50 books in the past year. Click here to see some of the books I've read. So that was how I celebrated. Jacques also surprised me with a gals only breakfast party at 6 am, a surprise birthday dinner and an awesome surprise birthday party a week later. He was aided by my longtime buddy and partner in crime, Susy.

I'm still plodding along in writing a kids' novel when I get breaks from school. I also put together a chapbook of some of the poems I've written over the last couple of summers. 

Jacques and I enjoy a quiet life. We love to cycle together. A highway has finally connected Gatineau to Montreal on the Quebec side of the river, so we can now cycle from village to village without too much worry of transport trucks knocking us off the road. 

Yes, I'm still teaching 11-12 year olds and very oddly still loving almost every minute. I wake up looking forward to each day. My daily commute is still a hop, skip and a jump across a stream and a small field and hardly lasts the length of a song.

 And so, 2012 is coming to an end soon. We might even see the end of the world if you listened to some folks. 

I reread bits of Og Mandino's "The Greatest Salesman in the World" this morning during my quiet time. In an earlier reading, I'd already highlighted these passages:

"I will live this day as if it is my last, and if it isn't, I will fall to my knees and give thanks...I will beat upon my heart with gratitude as I consider all who greeted yesterday's sunrise who are no longer here with the living today...Why have I been allowed to live this extra day, when others, far better than I, have departed? Is it that they have accomplished their purpose while mine is yet to be achieved?...Is this my day to excel?...I will live this day as if it is my last."

We are always happy to hear from friends and family. Let us know if and when you are nearby.
We  wish you a happy holiday season and a very happy New Year.
Faith, love, health, courage, peace...
J. and J. 


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