
Saturday, April 30, 2011

REading A big storm knocked it over by Laurie Colwin/Colwyn

I decided to read this book which I purchased at the big used book faire put on by the Gatineau libraries every year.
I'm reading and analyzing it as I take a bit of a break from writing my novel. She passed away in 1992. I looked her up. She was 48, my age, when she passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack. It could happen. Gosh. I had better get off my butt and do things. Is it time for a bucket list?

Walk in Cotswold with Susy
Walk the Amalfi coast with Susy
Publish a novel
Publish a collection of short stories for kids
Publish a kids novel
Visit monarch sanctuaries?
Spend more time with family and friends
Kayak more
Get back into songwriting
Record and album of some of my favourite original songs
Visit Cornwall England
Visit Scotland and Ireland
Volunteer with whale biologists on North Coast of St-Lawrence

When I'm writing my novel, I feel as engaged and as enthralled with its characters and setting as when I read a novel by Maeve Binchy or Rosamund Pilcher, mes auteurs fétiches.

I have to work on the novel's plot. I might try the index card idea.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

dumping stuff here so that I don't forget or clog up my desktop

tell a story
connect a tribe
lead a movement
make a change
1. who exactly are you upsetting? If you are not upsetting anyone, you are not changing the status quo.
2.Who are you connecting?
3. Who are you leading?

challenge what is?
Be curious about who others are? People want to be missed?
Being a leader gives you charisma.
Leaders commit to the cause.

Who said all that?
Sir Robinson?
I can't remember.

dumping stuff here so that I don't forget or clog up my desktop

tell a story
connect a tribe
lead a movement
make a change
1. who exactly are you upsetting? If you are not upsetting anyone, you are not changing the status quo.
2.Who are you connecting?
3. Who are you leading?

challenge what is?
Be curious about who others are? People want to be missed?
Being a leader gives you charisma.
Leaders commit to the cause.

Who said all that?
Sir Robinson?
I can't remember.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

My first charango

Easter Saturday

Stayed up last night writing my novel. I'm just shy of 9000 words. I wrote over 2000 words yesterday. J and I went shopping and I made notes in a spiral notebook for when I'd get back to my computer.

I registered for a week long writing workshop in Val-David in August. I'm looking forward to it.

I love the picture of the 2 ladies riding around. That's Susy and me in a few years. I'll insert the punchline in a few days when I've given Susy her birthday card.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Woke up this morning, or it might have been the middle of the night, by the house shaking. Not an earthquake, it was a thunderstorm and a big one just hit.


Saturday, April 09, 2011

Just finished "When you reach me"

I enjoyed it. Skillfully plotted. The kind of book I could see someone rereading as soon as they read the last page. Next book up: The Underneath by Kathi Appelt.

Reading When you reach me by Rebecca Stead

Just started reading this book for the second time. I got side tracked with Brainlock and The Happiness Project oh- and Drawing on the right side of the brain. I hadn't felt much like reading fiction. I'm enjoying it. Should get off the computer and read.

4 steps for eliminating OCD, one O at a time

I've read Brainlock by Dr Jeffrey M. Schwartz, M.D. of U.CL.A. 4 steps 1. RElabel: It's not me. 2. Reattribute: It's my glitchy OCD brain. 3. Refocus: I bought myself a new MP3 player and I turn it on and listen to music as I leave home/school. I don't worry after a very short while. I just have to make it out the door. 4. Revalue: Remember, the signals are false alarms, like a car alarm that has gone off for no reason. I've also eliminated checking the bathroom for lit candles. I can't remember the last time there was a candle in the bathroom.


Writing mini sagas

I'm continuing to exercise my right brain this weekend. This morning, I followed Daniel Pink's suggestion on trying to write a mini saga which is a story contained within exactly 50 words. I wrote 14 mini sagas. They all stemmed from an idea I had kicking around my head for a few weeks and a rare fight in my classroom between 2 boys became the catalyst for the 700 words I wrote this morning. I'll see if my right brain kicks in when I start painting an old wooden office chair from school. I want to make into something special for the end of the school year.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

drawing on the right side of brain


I just started reading Drawing on the right side of the brain, by Betty Edwards, and I can't believe the results after completing my 2nd exercise.

I was a little skeptic because I haven't tried drawing much besides the odd cartoons to illustrate assignments for my students.

I can feel my brain shift and go into the zone and I recognize that feeling from playing music, writing, or problem solving. It involves making relationships between things you observe with your senses. Seeing how things fit together.