
Saturday, January 08, 2011

Been in bed for 5 days

Getting better. Not as quickly as I would like. I have one more day to recuperate before heading back into the classroom.
I managed to stand long enough to shower, the other days , I just lay in the bath for awhile. I only take tubaths when I'm feeling ill.
I spent this afternoon back in bed listening to bloopers of the CBC's Vinyl CAfé on my mp3 player. Guy and Pedro had Skyped earlier from their brand new Iphone and stopped on their way back to the big Mtl.

Wednesday, January 05, 2011

strep throat

are kciking

Monday, January 03, 2011

gotta cold

I could feel my throat scractching away yesterday and I knew that I would wake up congested today. Gonna be good to myself. Stayed in bed and read. Off to do some yoga with Rodney Yee video, maybe go for a walk, then read, make a little music and maybe just nothing.
The Christmas decorations came down yesterday so there is really nothing to do today besides think of what we might eat. Our leftovers are all gone except for the sweets and I want to stay away until I go back to work.


free fallin: my new video


Simplifying life in the new year

I stumbled upon a website a couple of days ago which explains how to simplify your life. I have been simplifying for the last couple of years but I think that I will be rereading these reminders often.

The first 2 principals are:
1. Identifiy 4 or 5 things that are important and do only those things.
2. Eliminate all the rest.

That's the short version. Click on the above link for the longer version of the manifesto.

I wrote down the other day that my most important things for now are, and these are not in any order:
making music, reading and writing, cooking, exercise in nature, time with friends and family.
