Friday, August 12, 2005

major kitty breakthrough

Hey! I'll try to upload a great pic of the 3 kitties sitting within a couple of feet of each other. I can't believe it!
There's hardly any hissing anymore. At best Spike and Souris follow each other around at worst Souris tries to growl and hiss at Spike.

Went kayaking 3 days in a row. On the third day, 4 other kayakers and I paddled a remote lake in the north east part of the Papineau-Labelle parc. There are no cottages except for 2 abandoned ones. We were the only 5 people on the lake. We had lunch on an island which looked like the massive rock ridge of an old mountain. Only one of us had a camera so I hope to get pictures of that eventually.

I started knitting mittens...I'm going to have to figure out how to use a stitch holder.


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