Friday, July 15, 2005

Need help with the cats and my attitude.

Ok...My buddy is a light sleeper and last night he got up at 4 something AM. Ok well, coming back from the bathroom I might have tugged on the sheets (which I maintain I had none) a little too roughly and it woked him up...$?$?$&?$**?"$!%&?**, he grabbed his pillows and went downstairs. "If it't s not the cats its you ripping off my covers"
(Really, every night I ave no covers left on my side).

Ok well , I'm trying to mix the cats up today. What's the worse that can happen? Spike misses his litter box 9 times out of ten anyway. At 80 plus in cat years, his aim is off...or he really IS trying to get back at me for adding more borders. Tite-Minou and Souris can still jump, unlike Spike, so I put a litter on a table in the basement.

Ok Besides litter pans and cats with their noses out of joint...I was supposed to go to Ottawa for the Renaissance exhibit yesterday and a trip to Michael's arts and crafts and chapters and The Rainbow Bistro for live blues afterwards but one of my girlfriends had to put it off.....I felt let down....I need to get a grip. I'm a middle-aged woman who has her health, a reasonable shape, a partner (who is slightly grumpy with a big heart), a house in the country, a great job close by, awesome flower beds, a view from almost every window, a river for kayaking, bicycle trails, proxomity to 2 great canadian cities, (Bear with me , this is therapeutical), good friends all over, all of my senses, kitty cat s who are driving us nuts...ok I'm feeling a little bit better.


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