
Sunday, April 08, 2012

Thinking about turning 50 this coming fall

I've been thinking that I'd like to do something special when I turn 50. I've been pretty dormant in my 40's compared to my 20's and 30's. I feel as if I've been in a cocoon. Yeah, that's it. 20's and 30's was my caterpillar stage. 40's feels like a chrysalis. I'd like to become the butterfly that I am meant to be in my 50's. Isn't that beautiful?

I came across an article in Huffington Post about turning 50 and how to celebrate as I was surfing looking for ideas. Here is a quote.
I've thought about this a lot. There really isn't one big thing I want to do, like a party. Instead of a birthday I'm going to have a birthyear! And I'm going to do 50 things that will make me happy, starting on my 50th Birthday, and go straight through until my 51st. It's not a bucket list, but it's things--many of which include family and friends--that I know will bring me joy and will let me celebrate this wonderful birthday, for which I am grateful, for longer than one day.

Isn't that a great idea!

Here is a draft to my own list:
1. Go up in a glider
2. Go back to Val-David for crative writing week
3. Go back to New York
4. Camp at Sandbacks with Best friend, Susy (I don't camp).
5. Walk up Mount Royal in Montreal
6. Go back to Toronto
7. Visit Quebec city
8. Publish Chapbook of poetry
9. Finish draft of youth novel
10. Finish Draft of adult novel
11. Record a second album of original music
12. Start writing a memoir
13. Letting my hair go its natural colour, whatever that may be now.
14. Revamp my new look with cool glasses.
15. Keep swimming my age in pool laps. I love swimming here.
16. Kayak Lake Huron (North Channel)