Tuesday, December 07, 2010

My heart was broken a second time

Last Thursday, we received the news that Yogi had tested positive for peritonitis. On Friday, we received news that second tests pointed to the fact that he was not actively fighting the virus but had most likely been exposed to this potentially deadly and incurable disease. When we had brought Souris and Tit-Minou in 5 years ago, their blood tests were negative. Jacques and I decided that we didn't want to live with the fear of having another deadly ill cat and the possibility of passing it along to Souris.
With a heavy heart, I called Yogi's previous owners and brought him back.
I now know why people pay around 1000$ dollars for pedigree kittens. Next time, I want proof before bringing a pet in our home.
Yogi had been in quarantine in our shop in the basement with each of us making hourly visits. Our baseement is still sealed off and I'm doing my best to disinfect it with industrial sodium chlorite without poisoning us.

I realize that I was so stunned by Tit-Minou's death even though she had been fighting the cancer for months that I jumped into getting another kitten without fully grieving. If things had worked out with Yogi, everything would have been ok. I was hurting less for Tit-Minou.
Now I feel a bit raw.

As my friend Héllène pointed out the other evening, I had Spike 17 years on his own before introducing other cats. We can be a 1 cat family for awhile.


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