Saturday, October 16, 2010

Should really blog more

I should just write. I can but I don't. I surf. I search. I youtube. I wordle. I prezi. I should write.

Tit-Minou had another tumour removed on Thursday. She is doing great. She was already jumping off the guest bed onto a nice cushy chair in the window over a metre away a little over 24 hours after the operation. Go girl!
The vet had to remove part of her muscle in her leg and we didn't know what her mobility would be like.
If her spunk is any indication she will be just fine.

My birthday is coming up on Friday. 48. Most days I don't look it. Some days I don't feel it. I find aging to be comical because don't we all kind of get mentally stuck somewhere between 13 and 21? This summer, I asked my best friends what age was the best. I got answers ranging from 30 to 40'something to "whatever age I'm at is the best". I think the healthy answer is the age I am now.

I started swimming last week. Warm up with yoga, do some weights and then get into the pool. Sounds good doesn't it. I'm not really that gung ho. I do love the smoothness of my yoga routine, the smoothness of swimming. I like anything which has a repetative motion but which also gets me somewhere. Swimming, kayaking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, hiking, cycling all have similar qualities. I love being in nature. I love being surrounded by nature.

Jacques bought me two british made birdfeeders designed for small birds. The chickadees didn't even wait for me to finish installing them before coming back inches away from me in the bare lilac tree. The lilac is the first of our trees to lose its leaves. Our maples are still mostly full and gloriously red.

I once again have the opportunity to go to monarch reserves in Mexico this winter. I felt anxiety a few weeks ago at having to make a decision. The anxiety has lessened. It comes mostly if I wake up during the night. Everyday, it seems as if there is more of me which would like to go than there is of me which is panicky and afraid of travelling again.

I've been raising monarchs since 2007. The trip is only a week. All I would have to do is say yes, pay, go and follow.

To be continued...



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