Sunday, July 18, 2010

10 things I,ve done so far this summer

1. Sat around in a slightly damp bathing suit.

2. REad, read, read.

3. Taken fun photos with new Panasonic Lumix.

4. Played guitar and ukulele. Decided not to get a mando.

5. Been to McGill Uni to see pal, Michèle's, production of The importance of being Ernest. Awesome!

6. Kayaked from Labelle to Conception with Montebello Paddle Queens.

7. Shopping in downton Montreal with Susy.

8. Cycled along the St-Lawrence in Cornwall.

9. Swum in rivers, backyard and municipal pools.

10. Switched off from work in a record 24 hours!!!! It often takes me 24 days.


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