
Saturday, March 25, 2006

first online purchase

Wow , I've made my first online purchase for an upgrade or software. I'm downloading Muvee autoproducer 5 as I write. I regularily buy books and cds online but never software. I'm hoping all goes well.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

You can see the water heading in from the street towards our yard and eventually making its way to the house. Posted by Picasa

We had water pouring into the house from 2 windows this week. We have new windows but we're waiting for spring to be able to do the work. Posted by Picasa

Tite-Minou is in the foreground and her baby, Souris, is behind her. Posted by Picasa

March blew in full force!!!!

In a school year, seems to me March is fierce. I don't remember saying goodbye to February. This month so far has been full of reports, forms to fill in, meetings, more forms, documents for bursaries and report cards. I just finished the last of the paper work, be it real paper or virtual. Staff meetings, PTA meetings or what we call in Qébec "conseil d'établissement", grad meetings, and a village arts and culture meeting. I think the rest of the month belongs to me.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Pretty rustic inside. You can see that we hauled enough food on our backs to feed many more friends. Posted by Picasa

Thanks to Clarence who had gone up and got the stove going a couple of hours before we girls arrived. Posted by Picasa

It was - 7C or about 19 F...Just comfy in the sun after snowshoeing up to the chalet. We brought supper and left to come back down at dark with headlamps and bearbells...I know that the bears are still hibernating but I hoped that the coyotes and wolves (and maybe any stray cougars) would stay away from us. I guess it worked, we made it back home. Posted by Picasa