
Saturday, January 28, 2006

self-portrait Posted by Picasa

Feel the warmth of the sun. Posted by Picasa

A beautiful day with delightful company! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year!!!!

Hi all!
I dug these questions out of my filing cabinet. I don't remember where they come from but I try to remember to refer to them every New Year. I usually have trouble finding answers.

What is my single greatest strength or uniqueness as a person?

What single need or situation do I feel most deeply burdened by and uniquely qualified to meet?

What single person would I most like to build up, develop, or teach this year?

What single thing would I do this year if it was all that I could do?

What single thing would I most like to buy this year?

What single place would I most like to visit this year?

What is the greatest single roadblock holding me back this year?

What single thing would be the most helpful in removing that roadblock?

What single question or problem would I give ten percent of my personal income to have answered or solved this year?

What single principal or truth would I most like to teach a group of people this year?

What single habit would I most like to break this year?

What single habit would I most like to establish this year?

What single area of my entire life would I most like to grow in personally?