
Sunday, December 11, 2005

On Thursday, Souris managed to knock the tree out of its base with her shenanigans. I came home one lunchtime and J. was swearing at the kitten and taking the tree apart with all of the lights and garlands still attached. I offered my help but I was in a rush to get back to my students. Thankfully, the tree was back up and the kitten and J. were back to being bosom buddies when I came home after school.  Posted by Picasa

Tite-Minou is becoming a real housecat, little by little. She still goes out a couple a times a day to do some mousing but she is realizing that living in a house can be mighty fine. She has adopted my fleece housecoat and sleeps on it wherever I live it unattended. Posted by Picasa

Souris decided to make a nest out of my scarf when I came home one day this week. Posted by Picasa

Saturday 6 AM doing my yarn invetory. Posted by Picasa

knitting ladies

I was invited to knit with some ladies. Yesterday morning, I layed out all of my left over yarn and starting researching patterns to go with my bits of yarn. I found a tuque pattern.
Here's the link:

It was a very enjoyable morning. I don't get to speak English very often anymore since moving back to Quebec and it was fun sitting around someone's dining room table knitting, sharing ideas, sipping expresso and sweet treats.

Monday, December 05, 2005

We put the Christmas tree up this weekend. Souris decided that she had to et the angel at the top of the tree. But first, we'll rest on the way up. Posted by Picasa