Wednesday, July 13, 2005

on vacation at home

So far this vacation , I've read a lot, (Jeffredy Deaver short stories in Twisted. I ordered more books on Chapeters. I kayaked on the Ottawa river,. I,ve looked at my latest knitting project wondering what to do about it. The wool shop ran out of one of the threads I was using for this neat am I going to finish it? Shall I undo it (frog it)?
I'm working on organizing a Stitch and Bitch group in my area for winter 2005-2006.
Well , the kittens have all gone to good homes...I made sure that these folks keep their cats for at least 15 years or more. We kept one kitten , Souris (mouse), and the Mum but we may give the Mum, Tite-Minou, (WeeKitty) to a colleague of mine who also has a proven track record with cats (19 years is his record).
Spike , my 17 year old cat is adjusting slowly.


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