Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Christmas wishes

Chomping on Montreal Bagels with my own homemade "éclaté de cannerbes à la Ricardo", gulping down café au lait while listening to National Public Broadcast Radio on Itunes and writing instead of styling my hair with salon clay and getting ready for some extreme last minute shopping. Departure at 9:00 sharp.

Outside the weather is not frightful yet peaceful. The birds have not yet appeared at my feeder despite a brilliant sun making the already bright white scenery ever more brilliant. It is a long undies cold this morning. A black pick-up truck with tinted windows obscuring the identity of the driver is backing into our driveway carrying an aluminum ladder. Our roof guy is here to shovel the snow off the roof. Get rid of Sunday's blizzard dump. Another storm is going to blow in tomorrow, Christmas eve.

Oh yeah! Christmas!

Wishing you
Great food and drink
Warm, wonderful times
with family, friends
exciting meetings with new people
energizing ideas,
good health
beautiful sights
mesmorizing art
restorative time in nature
good books
this season
And throughout
New Year!

Gotta go slap some clay in my hair and find my warm boots!


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