Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bubba Minnie Minette found a home!

Coming home one evening I heard a kitten cry from under the cedar hedge. There he was. It was getting cold and rainy. I made him a temporary home in our workshop in the basement. I sent out emails to all of my feline loving contacts and finally a contact knew of a teacher who had recently lost her male cat to old age. Bubba was adopted 5 days later. He is turning into a great cat. He is now known as Rufus.

Minnie Minette arrived at our neighbours with her 4 kittens after Bubba relocated. The neighbours decided to care for the kittens but didn't want Minnie Minette. Jacques fed her ad made her an insulated hut out of an old wooden Coke box. He kept checking the weather channel and was worried because cold wintery weather was coming in soon. We put flyers uup around the village. A man in his sixties saw this picture at the pub. Jacques put Minnie Minette in his arms and it was love at first sight. She now sleeps under the covers with her new man.
We would have kept both cats but Souris, one of our females, goes nuts and attacks her own mother whenever she sees another cat.


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