Friday, June 09, 2006

A rainy Friday night, pyjama bottoms and polar fleece

It's been ages since I posted anything....a blogger's sin! This is the first weekend is months that I've haven't had any correcting to do. I'm reading other people's blogs getting revved up about what folks are reading.

I stayed up late to finish Ross Pennie's "The unforgiving tides" about his time in Papua New Guinea with CUSO as a young and inexprienced doctor. I was reminded of my own time overseas and the camaraderie among expatriates anywhere. What a time he had with some of the German nuns who acted as nurses, one of who he nicknamed the barracuda. I loved this book and I am having trouble starting another book.

In late May, I read "Resistance" by Anita Shreve (author of "The pilot"). It is a fictional story about a downed american pilot being nursed back to health by a belgian couple in Beligum. I hadn't read anything about WW2 in since last fall and I was once again astounded by acts of cruelty that can be bestowed upon another human being. This book is part romance and part history lesson. A good read.

And before that, I picked up Mark Burnett's "Jump in " which is part biography and part motivational kick in the butt. I had fun "travelling" to secluded spots for the making of the ECO-challenge races and for the Survivor shows. He has little nuggets of philosophy neatly framed every so many pages...a bit gimmicky but I enjoyed it.


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